Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Beautiful Isn't Necessarily Vain

This video is self explanatory. We usually see others as more beautiful than they see themselves, and others usually see us as more beautiful than we see ourselves. And that needs to change. The end.

...Except not. On the actual website ( that this video comes from, there is a startling figure expressed. It states that only 4% of women around the world consider themselves to be beautiful. I see two problems with this:

1) The obvious: We are critical of ourselves and don't see what really is there. We are self-conscious of what we look like. We compare ourselves to an unrealistic standard. We don't always love ourselves the way we should. And the list goes on.

2) Society seems to tell us that it is wrong to actually consider ourselves beautiful. While we are being bombarded with artificial/superficial ways to live up to a standard of beauty, it is implied that if we were to come out and say "I am beautiful" we must be the person Carly Simon was singing about (if you don't know what I'm talking about, Google is now your best friend). That would be vanity. That would be arrogance. I call bull. There is a difference between having an opinion to the tune of "I am gorgeous and I am the most wonderful person on the planet and everyone should worship the way I look and I am above you because of what my face looks like" versus "I am beautiful because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am kind and loving and happy. I love myself for the way I am, but am continuing to grow everyday." That is beauty. It's more than skin deep and I think it is okay to embrace it.

So, the next time someone asks you if you consider yourself beautiful, think about who you are as a whole and give them a proud "Yes. I am beautiful."

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